What This Town Needs is… Batman!

I think that this is pretty cool, although maybe not the safest thing in the world. A Cumbira costume shop, Cumbria Superheroes, has unleashed Batman into clown-infested neighborhoods. People have seen the caped crusader patroling the area and even chasing down vile clowns! Brilliant idea, I hope nothing bad happens. Batman. Batman. Batman. Fuck yeah! […]

Killer Clowns Go Global!

While this morning it was believed that the Killer Clown Craze had barely managed to jump the pond, it turns out there are reports coming out of Canada and Australia as well. English police officers reported 59 incidents involving clowns. In fact, in THIS article, there was a long list of arrests made for clowns […]

Clown Costume Sales Are Up!

Even though police and other officials say that they’re taking the clown sightings very seriously – because menacing people is a real and actual crime, people – online sales say that clown costumes are extremely popular right now. At one popular online retailer, HalloweenCostumes.com has seen an uptick of 40% and HalloweenExpress.com has seen an […]

A Plethora of Killer Clowns

Alright, so now that clowns are menacing people all around the great US of A, they’re also becoming a menace in the UK as well. But the BBC wonders – how deadly ARE clowns? As it turns out, there are 3 cases of deadly clowns – but only 2 cases occurred with clown make up/costuming […]