A Plethora of Killer Clowns

Alright, so now that clowns are menacing people all around the great US of A, they’re also becoming a menace in the UK as well. But the BBC wonders – how deadly ARE clowns? As it turns out, there are 3 cases of deadly clowns – but only 2 cases occurred with clown make up/costuming […]

How Many Clown Arrests So Far?

Okay, so here’s an article that accounts all the clown-related arrests so far across the country. A quick perusal of the article will show that the majority (I’d say 95% [NO I didn’t do the math!]) are juveniles being arrested for making threats against their schools from Clown-themed social media sites. This is frustrating because […]

Police Commissioner Says to Calm the Fuck Down

Clown Menace According to a Deputy Commissioner in New  York City, even though the clown invasion seems to be scary, there’s nothing to be afraid of. People acting out of fear are much scarier. Reports of clowns being creepy are mostly unconfirmed and there aren’t any of clowns causing any actual mischief let alone any real […]

Creepy Clowns – Danger!

Alright, guys – you KNOW I delight in the creepy clown thing. Few things make my black, twisted heart skip a beat the way a good creepy clown does (hell, even a bad one!). But things are, as usual, getting out of hand. Clowns are getting arrested Schools are being threatened and locked down People […]

What States Have Creepy Clown Sightings?

As of September 30th, 2016, the following states have had creepy clown sightings: Alabama Arizona Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Michigan Missouri Mississippi New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin. Source